“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans” John Lennon in “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)”
I established this site in 2017, with the primary objective of using it to support my book Can we avoid another financial crisis? Life then presented me with a personal financial crisis, when government policy that favoured high-ranking universities over “post-1992” institutions like my then employer Kingston University led to Kingston offering me the choice to either quadruple my teaching load, or go on 1/4 pay. I took the latter option and established my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/ProfSteveKeen. This website then became simply an ancillary to Patreon: I would publish a post here first (normally in draft mode) and then copy and paste it into Patreon, to minimize the work needed to upload graphics there.
I am now about to revive this site, primarily to support my next book, The New Economics: A Manifesto, which will be published by Polity Press in September 2021. The book avoids the use of equations and models, but at the same time, the logic in the book is based on equations and models. They will appear here, in a freely downloadable book Modelling with Minsky.